At #thesosblog we want to offer practical but inspirational fashion tips, tricks, hacks, ideas, where to find the sales and heaps of encouragement to help you be confident in your fashion choices.
Drawing from the expertise of Midlife Fashion Bloggers and those of us who may not be experts but have some "every day" fashion tips too, #thesosblog is a resource just for you. We need to stick together don't we midlife friends? We may not be as young as we once were but we are FULL of beauty and ready to show it off. If that isn't you yet, you are in the right place too. This is your SOS...here to help you grow and go for it during your 2nd act! My friend Angie @theagelessrebellion always talks about tell our stories through fashion, I love that! She helps me tell my story and make brave, fun choices with my outfits! Check out some of #thesosblog recommended midlife fashion blog sites! You will be inspired! |